It is common knowledge that as we age, we tend to get a bit more forgetful. While all of us can fall victim to faulty memory issues (blanking on the name of the great new restaurant you tried last week, forgetting where you set down the keys), it becomes a more regular occurrence the older one gets. Our “future memory,” …
Summer Heat Waves Pose Danger For Seniors: How To Prevent Heat Exhaustion & Stroke
Summer evokes images of bright sunshine, ice cold lemonade, juicy watermelon slices, and a hammock on a beautiful beach. However, the dangers of overheating in the summer heat aren’t quite so picturesque. Dangerously high temperatures can result in heat-related illnesses ranging from heat cramps to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. When heat stroke is serious enough, it can be fatal- …
Did You Know Your Favorite Indulgence Is Also Good For Your Brain?
Chocolate lovers, rejoice- just in time for World Chocolate Day, we’re here to tell you that a study done by Harvard Medical School proves that chocolate helps to keep your brain healthy! The results of their study showed that people who drink two cups of hot cocoa a day had improved memory and blood flow to the brain. There is …